Fortenberry Comments on the State of the Union


Date: Jan. 20, 2015
Location: Washington, DC

Congressman Jeff Fortenberry today made the following statement after the President's State of the Union address.

"The State of the Union is a great American tradition. The presidential address demonstrates the American ideal of openness and transparency in government even in the midst of deep philosophical division.

"Overall, the President's speech tonight was sincere with a number of inspirational moments. He had a strong emphasis on helping one another and on supporting the "family' of our nation--especially his gratitude for our troops--which was appropriate and moving. Unfortunately, his analysis of our economic recovery excluded exorbitant healthcare costs that are hurting so many families, as well as the regulations that are harming small businesses, limiting the promise of ownership and opportunity for all. Small business is the key to a healthy economy--not more concentration of power in Washington. I did, however, respect the President's emphasis on a new politics that lifts up young people and gives them a sense of purpose.

"We must restore an opportunity economy through responsible government, reclaim our best traditions, and rebuild a culture that respects the life and dignity of all persons. In the months ahead we must repurpose Washington--and turn our country around."

Fortenberry is a member of the House Appropriations Committee.
